ABBA (Laura Laffs)

Choreographed by William Sevone

Description:96 count, intermediate/advanced partner/contra dance
Music:Waterloo by ABBA
Super Trouper by ABBA
Specially commissioned to celebrate the 10th birthday of Laura Hull of Manchester, England

Start Position:Dance starts with feet slightly apart, both lines facing same direction (side by side)

Sequence:Line A starts the dance with PART A while Line B starts the dance with PART B. After 48 counts, you will have switched to the opposite line, so you do the opposite part. Line A becomes Line B and dances Part B, and vice versa. Hence, the title of the dance; ABBA.
1-4Walk forward: right, left, right, touch left foot next to right

5Hold, (turn head to the right)

6-9Walk backwards: left, right, left, touch right foot next to left

10-11With ¼ turn right – step right foot to side, step left foot next to right

12-13(Funky chicken) split heels – at same time (with hands at tummy level) bend elbows forwards, repeat

14With a ¼ turn left – step back onto left foot

15Hitch right knee & scoot forward on left foot

16Scoot forward on right foot & hitch left knee

17Scoot forward on left foot & hitch right knee

Style note: on the above 3 counts both hands are joined behind back

18&19With a 1/8 turn left – right shuffle forward

20&21With a 1/8 turn left – left shuffle forward

22&23With a 1/8 turn left – right shuffle forward

24&25With a 1/8 turn left – left shuffle forward

26-28Walk forward – right, left, with a ¼ turn left cross right foot over left

29Step left foot next to right

30-31Raise hands to head height, move hands forward, (palms now touching partner’s)

32-33Move left arm to 9:00 position, return to place

34-35Move right arm to 3:00 position, return to place

36-37Slap left hand against partner’s right, slap right hand against partner’s left

38Bunny hop both feet ¼ turn right

39-40Swing hips to left – bumping your partner, repeat

41-42Bunny hop both feet ¼ turn left, repeat

43-44Swing hips to right – bumping your partner, repeat

45Bunny hop both feet ¼ turn right

46-47Raise hands to head height, push hands forward, (palms now touching ‘partners’)

48Pushing hands away – step back onto right foot, with a ¼ turn right

You should now be facing the opposite wall. Line A has now become Line B and vice versa. Hence the title “ABBA”. Continue the dance to the full 96 counts. The second part of the dance is a line reversal of the first part.

The turning shuffles within counts 18 to 25 and 66 to 73 are very tight you need to end up around an arms length away from your contra ‘partner’

1-4Walk forward: left, right, left, touch right foot next to left

5Hold, (turn head to the left)

6-9Walk backward: right, left, right, touch left foot next to right

10-11With ¼ turn left – step left foot to side, step right foot next to left

12-13(Funky chicken) split heels – at same time (with hands at tummy level) bend elbows forwards, repeat

14With a ¼ turn right – step back onto right foot

15Hitch left knee & scoot forward on right foot

16Scoot forward on left foot & hitch right knee

17Scoot forward on right foot & hitch left knee

18&19With a 1/8 turn right – left shuffle forward

20&21With a 1/8 turn right – right shuffle forward

22&23With a 1/8 turn right – left shuffle forward

24&25With a 1/8 turn right – right shuffle forward

26-28Walk forward – left, right, with a ¼ turn right, cross left foot over right

29Step right foot next left

30-31Raise hands to head height, move hands forward, (palms now touching partner’s)

32-33Move right arm to 3:00 position, return to place

34-35Move left arm to 9:00 position, return to place

36-37Slap right hand against partner’s left, slap left hand against partner’s right

38Bunny hop both feet ¼ turn left

39-40Swing hips to right – bumping your partner, repeat

41-42Bunny hop both feet ¼ turn right, repeat

43-44Swing hips to left – bumping your partner, repeat

45Bunny hop both feet ¼ turn left

46-47Raise hands to head height, push hands forward, (palms now touching partner’s)

48Pushing hands away – step back onto left foot, with a ¼ turn left