Count: 48 Wall:2 Level:beginner/intermediate waltz
Choreographer: Joyce Warren
Music:The Seashores Of Old Mexico by George Strait


1-2-3Step right on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

4-5-6Step forward on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold

7-8-9Step diagonally back on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

10-11-12Step ¼ left on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold

13-14-15Step right on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

16-17-18Step forward on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold

19-20-21Step diagonally back on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

22-23-24Step ¼ left on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold

25-26-27Step diagonally back on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

28-29-30Step diagonally back on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold

31-32-33Step diagonally forward on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

34-35-36Step diagonally forward on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold

37-38-39Long step right on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

40-41-42Long step left on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold

43-44-45Step forward on right foot, touch left foot next to right foot, hold

46-47-48Step back on left foot, touch right foot next to left foot, hold



When you are facing the original wall at the end of 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th repetitions, perform steps 43-48 twice